Inniswood Metro Gardens
940 S. Hempstead Rd., Westerville, OH, United States
The plant sale features mostly perennials and herbs, some annuals and more! Must-have new varieties and old favorites from top-of-the-line growers. Proceeds used for the betterment of the Gardens and its visitors. There will be Inniswood ambassadors, volunteer master gardeners and knowledgeable gardening enthusiasts to assist you. Volunteers even bring …Continue reading →
Inniswood Metro Gardens
940 S. Hempstead Rd., Westerville, OH, United States
The plant sale features mostly perennials and herbs, some annuals and more! Must-have new varieties and old favorites from top-of-the-line growers. Proceeds used for the betterment of the Gardens and its visitors. There will be Inniswood ambassadors, volunteer master gardeners and knowledgeable gardening enthusiasts to assist you. Volunteers even bring …Continue reading →